New Democrat Coalition Members Highlight Need to Invest in Childcare and Eldercare

New Democrat Coalition
3 min readJul 23, 2021

This past year has shown us that now, more than ever, our nation’s caregiving services are crucial. Our caregivers defined the pandemic from childcare to eldercare. Investing in caregiving is critical to get our economy moving again. Parents and caregivers cannot go back to work, grow our economy, and build better lives for their families unless they know their children, parents, and loved ones are safe and cared for.

And we know this is especially true for women who have been forced to drop out of the labor market at record rates. The care workforce is dominated by women and people of color. Of the 4.5 million direct care workers in the United States, over 86% are women and 59% are people of color. Investing in childcare and eldercare will also help create more affordable childcare so women are not forced to bear the brunt of childcare and can participate in our economy if they desire.

Ensuring our caregivers are properly compensated and respected is essential for equity.

The New Democrat Coalition is committed to supporting working American families and regrowing our economy. That’s why the Coalition, led by Chair Suzan DelBene (WA-01) fought for and secured the expanded Child Tax Credit as a part of President Biden’s American Rescue Plan. These monthly payments will help more families reach and maintain a middle-class lifestyle and lift more than 4 million children out of poverty. We know we must do more, and that’s why the Coalition is highlighting the need to invest in our nation’s childcare and eldercare.

New Dem Members recently participated in a Week of Action, holding conversations with caregivers across the country and calling for more investments in childcare and eldercare. Some highlights include:

- Rep. Lucy McBath (GA-06) highlighted the importance of maternal health care and volunteered with Helping Mamas, an organization dedicated to providing baby and feminine hygiene products to women and families in the Atlantic area.

New Dems have also been highlighting caregivers in their district and the lifesaving work they have done:
  • Vice Chair of the House Democratic Caucus, Rep. Pete Aguilar (CA-31) highlighted caregivers in his district who help seniors and people with special needs, to show that we need to invest in quality care for the most vulnerable populations.

As we emerge from the pandemic and build back better, the New Democrat Coalition knows we must invest in caregivers. By investing in dependable childcare and eldercare, we can expand opportunities, modernize our nation’s infrastructure for the 21st century, and ensure a better future for all Americans.



New Democrat Coalition

The New Democrat Coalition is focused on pro-growth, innovative, and fiscally responsible policies. We believe in ideas over ideology.